Monday, March 12, 2012

this blog is officially closed

Sunday, January 8, 2012


When I originally created this blog, I used links that I found while surfing using google. Thus google gave me the links from sites that freely posted their streaming links. This, I come to find out, is now illegal. I know ignorance of the law is no defence but when those laws change so often and so many times, a normal average person cannot keep up with congress and the legislature and I bet they cannot keep up with out assistants and aides.

I stopped posting here when one of the links I posted had is administrator arrested and it is a good possibility that he will go to jail and lose all his monetary value.


But I am creating a blog right now that will state my views about this issue and many more issues around the world from the point of view from an above average below genius United States citizen

peace OUT

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Emotion at Dailymotion has it all. I haven't fully tested the downloader aspect of the site but the direct link [prtion is awesome. It has movies and it has videos. Most movie links will be to hulu type site but this can be a good thing. Like when I type in the search for videos, Blues, I get among things a link to the movie Blues Brothers 2000 in High Def.
Check back soon and I will update the download program and review it. Until then, if you do not want to risk it, don't use it and wait for my report in a couple days.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Snap Crackle Movie

Crackle is the online home of Sony Features, and focuses on Sony television shows and films.

This is one of the more popular and easiest to use. 3 ways to watch. login with your Facebook account or make an account  using a different eamil (I do this) or no login just check the box for age and consent.
Lots of good music movies and I reaally like this one and quaility is awesome if not a camera version of a new movie.
More than movies as there is lots of television too


very easy steps no password.
1  choose your movie and there are lots
2. chose link you want to watch from (site give connection % and quality sometimes over 20 different links
3. on your movie page you will see an ad in the middle of the picture. looke for the x close on or near the ad and close this ad.
4. watch tv in full screen simply run your mouse slowly over a Big X between the volume and the length. in order to change to small screen just hit the esc button on your keyboard.
5. Be patient, the links come from ordinary people with ordinary lives doing this for you ordinary people for free.
6 click the google ad links on the page that you watch the movie from. ALL of us free sites really only make money from donations or google ads. The more you click the more we make at no out of pocket expense to you and hey you might find a kool thing or 2, I know I have.

Music, Movies, Tv and much more 10 outa 10
When I first went to Joost I was skeptical because I thought I had to creat a username and pw but I was wrong. You do not need that but if you want more out of the site you can use your Facebook info to login.
Wow what a variety and with the Highest quality available. MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC. Both video and concerts and much more organized in genre order or use the search to see if your fav is there.Hundreds of pages of music.
Thats not all!!! The quality of movies and the variety availble is astonishing and if you like Kung Foo Movies, there is even The Jackie Chan channels.
Of course, nothing here will be illegal. No movies that are still in theater or available to buy as new released dvds.
You really do not need that with this site and if you are Cartoon annime freak the have every show of the tv series cartoon X-men evolution as just one of many examples. ENJOY!!!

Public Domain Movies streamed or download Legally!!!

The signiture for this site is "Movies that changed the world, sort of" fits this site perfectly. Currently showing 86 streamed movies that you can watch at home or on your ipod or iphone etc., the movies available here are now public domain status and can watched or downloaded for free with no law agency knocking your door down.
Of course this also means that the movies are older. However, there are lots of styles of movies and quite frankly, many younger kids have no idea if a movie or cartoon is from the 50 or 60's. There are some really good things here to keep the kids busy.
Now about downloading beriefly. In order to download these movies and play them on your standalone dvd player involves a lot more info that I will give u right now because this info will cover a whole section on the NEW web site due out before Christmas.
For downloading, you need a torrent program, I recommend, Utorrent. This is a p2p program that is the most popular among online torrent downloaders. When you search for utorrent use google and also read the instruction. after installin utorrent, you then download the samll torrent file. start the file with utorrent. If it doesn't start download after 10minutes, check your firewall settings to allow the default port access.
If you are new at Torrents, You need to learn a lot but the efforts will be well worth the effort.